My name is Pawel Wiejkut and I'm a SAP Consultant since 2016.
Here you can find some of my knowledge about SAP & Databases. For videos please check out my youtube channel and follow me on instagram.
This blog is migrated from wordpress version - | ABAP | SAC | HANA
SAC Custom Widget Event Calendar
Today I would like to share with you my new development - custom widgets calendar event for SAC. This is an idea of how custom widgets can be used beyond creating a graph showing numbers. Project premise: To create a calendar that would be able to show up to 4 events per day. The events could last for several days, or they could go between weeks or months. Each event can contain its own description....
BW Tips and Tricks
How to add new line character in text variable ? If you want to add a new line character in text variable of customer exit type, just use standard class cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline: e_t_range = VALUE #( ( sign = 'I' opt = 'EQ' low = | LINE 1 { cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline } LINE2 | ) ).
Lumira cheat sheet
How to check dahsboard in different language ? To check the dashboard display in different language, please add following parameters to the URL: LANGUAGE=EN COUNTRY=US Example: How to set up query template In Lumira, you don’t have to create separate dashboard for each query if it should look and work the same way. You can crate one dahsboard with one datasource and use following parameters: XQUERY=technical_name_of_bw_query XSYSTEM=cuid:olap_connection_cuid Example: Also a small entry in the startup script of the template is required: DS_1....
BW Fiori cheat sheet
Important transactions in the context of BW Fiori Apps: Tile Maitenance - category,group /ui2/flpd_cust Transaltion SE63, Short Text, TABL, WDY_CONF_USERT2 Cache /UI2/INVALIDATE_CLIENT_CACHES /UI2/INVALIDATE_GLOBAL_CACHES /UI5/APP_INDEX_CALCULATE /UI2/DELETE_CACHE
How to trace BW BPC Authorization
Process of building authorization in BW with, and without BPC, is different. Reason is user authorization are enhanced by roles assigned to them in BPC administration panel. For more information about this process you can search for Data Access Profiles (DAPs). Common ways Common ways to check the BW auth is: Execute query on the affected user in rsudo - But it may not be enough, please check more Check authorization log using SU53 Trace authorization using ST01, STAUTHTRACE or similar BPC Most important difference is that user is sometimes able to execute the query in rsrt, but in the same time is not able to execute the BPC Planing workbook laing on the same object....
Manual deployment from ABAP to SAP HANA
Normally BW objects are transported to HANA using a transportation system, but what can be done when transport fails? When you have authorization to repat the import - it is still ok. You can go to Sap Transport Management system (transaction: STMS) and reimport. Thinks get much more complicated when you do not have the necessary rights. Let me share with you my notes about this process. Authorization To manually deploy ABAP objects to SAP Hana databse you need a following authorization:...
Jak zainstalować SAPa żeby nauczyć się ABAPa?
Cześć! To jest poradnik dla kompletnych laików, dlatego też tytuł jest bardzo skrótowy. Co bowiem oznacza instalacja SAP-a ? SAP (Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung) jest nazwą firmy, powstałej w 1972 roku w Waldorfie zajmującej się tworzeniem oprogramowania. Zachęcam, żeby poczytać więcej o niej tutaj. Dziś chciałem pokazać Ci prosty sposób na instalację systemu SAP NetWeaver, który to umożliwi Ci naukę programowania w języku ABAP. Ten tutorial był kiedyś dostępny w wersji tekstowej, teraz dostępna jest duzo nowsza wersja wideo, która równiez jest częścią płatnego kursu abap dostępnego pod adresem https://saponit....
ABAP1909 A4H HANA Login Details
If you want to login into HANA DB on ABAP1909 platform - in the example to create a calculation view, change something please use bellow details: For the tentant database SYSTEMDB (i.e to make some administrative changes): user SYSTEM with the password Ldtf5432 For the single-container database HDB (i.e to make some development): user SAPA4H with the password Ldtf5432 In both cases, the instance number is 02. Example in Eclipse:
Useful modern ABAP statements for BW transformations
ABAP 7.4 SAP introduced a lot of inline declarations. Nevertheless in BW world many developments are still written in very old syntax, where some of them are even not supported by the cloud version of ABAP (Steampunk). If you want to check out a modern ABAP statement that can be used in BW then this article is definitely for you. Every example contains a previous and a new version to compare....
Create ADSO from ABAP
Creating ADSO from ABAP can be easily achieved by cl_rso_adso_api=>create DATA(ls_flags) = VALUE cl_rso_adso_api=>tn_s_adsoflags( direct_update = abap_true ). TRY. cl_rso_adso_api=>create( EXPORTING i_adsonm = "Name of the ADSO i_infoarea = "Infoarea name i_s_adsoflags = ls_flags i_t_object = "Table with all fields i_t_dimension = "Dimension i_t_key = "String table with key IMPORTING e_t_msg = DATA(lt_msg) ). CATCH cx_rs_all_msg INTO DATA(lr_msg). cl_demo_output=>display( EXPORTING data = lr_msg->get_longtext( ) name = 'Error' ). ENDTRY. Full usage examples can be found here