Manual deployment from ABAP to SAP HANA

Normally BW objects are transported to HANA using a transportation system, but what can be done when transport fails? When you have authorization to repat the import - it is still ok. You can go to Sap Transport Management system (transaction: STMS) and reimport. Thinks get much more complicated when you do not have the necessary rights. Let me share with you my notes about this process. Authorization To manually deploy ABAP objects to SAP Hana databse you need a following authorization:...

February 11, 2022 · 2 min

ABAP1909 A4H HANA Login Details

If you want to login into HANA DB on ABAP1909 platform - in the example to create a calculation view, change something please use bellow details: For the tentant database SYSTEMDB (i.e to make some administrative changes): user SYSTEM with the password Ldtf5432 For the single-container database HDB (i.e to make some development): user SAPA4H with the password Ldtf5432 In both cases, the instance number is 02. Example in Eclipse:

January 28, 2022 · 1 min

Call SAP HANA function with table

How to run the HANA SQL function where an output table is required? Example function (from this tutorial): CREATE TYPE "TT_RESTAURANTS" AS TABLE ("node_id" INTEGER, "distance" INTEGER, "hops" BIGINT); CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "NEAREST_RESTAURANT"(IN startV INT, OUT res "TT_RESTAURANTS") LANGUAGE GRAPH READS SQL DATA AS BEGIN GRAPH g = Graph("SKIING"); VERTEX v_s = Vertex(:g, :startV); MULTISET<Vertex> rests = v IN Vertices(:g) WHERE :v."restaurant" == N'TRUE'; ALTER g ADD TEMPORARY VERTEX ATTRIBUTE (INT "distance" = 0); ALTER g ADD TEMPORARY VERTEX ATTRIBUTE (BIGINT "hops" = 0L); FOREACH rest in :rests { VERTEX v_rest = Vertex(:g, :rest....

November 11, 2021 · 1 min

Developing custom HANA adapter – quickstart

In this blog post, I will show you how you can fast start with developing custom HANA adapters in JAVA. S-User is required to download data provisioning agent: I downloaded the Linux version, but windows should work too (I’m on Mac OS). I will proceed in SAP Hana Studio because Eclipse is missing some packages. If you don’t have SAP Hana Studio, please check: Download missing plugins: https://mvnrepository....

October 18, 2020 · 2 min